Civitan Club
Idaho Falls
Alive After Five
May through September you can find the Idaho Falls Civitans at Alive After Five their primary fundraising events for community projects. Weekly sponsors, food vendors, live music and a variety of cold beverages are served by the Civitans. All proceeds benefit the Idaho Falls Community through Civitan Projects. For example, Civitan Park off of Memorial was funded by Alive After Five profits.
Shop With a Cop
The Idaho Falls Civitan helps coordinate this annual event benefiting underpriveleged children and their families at Christmas time. The club donates funds toward the childrens shopping spree and the IF Civitans wrap gifts for the children to take home to their families.
Civitan Plaza
Idaho Falls Civitans take pride in decorating the Downtown Civitan Plaza for the Christmas season. You can usually see the crew just after Thanksgiving decorating the plaza.
Development Workshop Christmas Party
The Idaho Falls Civitans fund, plan and coordinate all the details for the annual Development Workshop Christmas Party. It's a fun time filled with holiday cheer!
Clergy Week
Every year we recognize the clergy in our community by hosting a luncheon and showing our gratitude to those that serve our community spiritually. The luncheon is open to all faiths.
Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
The Idaho Falls Civitans is a major sponsor annually of the the Walk A Mile In Her Shoes fundraising event for the local Domestic Violence Shelter. Many of our own club members participate and we serve at the tailgate party following the event.
Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen
One Sunday per month a team of Civitans prepares a hot, healthy lunch for guests of the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen. We typically feed over 100 men, women, and children in an average day.
Community Food Basket
Community Food Basket Idaho Falls serves over 2,000 families per month including hundreds of folks with disabilities. We are committed to fighting food insecurity and contribute time and dollars to the cause.